Parkside Nazarene Mission International (NMI)
and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM)
What is NMI?
NMI is the organizational representative of missions for the Church of the Nazarene on the regional, district, and local levels. It serves the promotional, educational, program, and fund-raising arm of missions of the Nazarene Church.
NMI is the organization that “provides the structure and spiritual dynamic for mobilizing the church in mission.”
(Source: NMI Handbook & Constitution)
What is NCM?
As we live out compassion through our vocations, they become more than just jobs — we respond to God’s gracious calling to live a life that is a witness to God’s love and compassion. Such is the motivation of Nazarene Compassionate Ministries’ (NCM’s) work around the world that would not be possible without the thousands of pastors, laity, and missionaries who are saying “Yes!” to God’s work in the world. This “Yes!” is essential to being Christlike disciples to the nations.
Work & Witness in Dangriga, Belize
Parkside Church & other Sacramento District Churches
We believe in the long-term commitment of short-term builder missionaries who commit to returning until a project has been fully completed.
We believe that a local community of believers and friends (us) doing something for their town together is sharing Jesus in a real way.
In February 21, 2020 we sent another team back to Dangriga, Belize to continue work on the Nazarene Christian Preschool at the Nazarene church. We have poured foundations and completed first-floor walls. Generous Parksiders contributed $3,800 to help with materials cost for this year’s work.
As usual, along with the physical labor on the project, team members engaged with local church members in ministry outreach that includes:
Sewing workshop outreach
Children and youth outreach
Adult Bible study-mentorship
Worship Team Support: working with the team to service and teach maintenance for guitars we have provided for them.
This was an awesome opportunity for the Parksiders to work with folks from other SacNaz district churches, investing into the development of the Nazarene work, and the community of Dangriga. An additional blessing was the opportunity to build many long-lasting relationships with God’s people there.
Starfish Children’s Outreach is
Building Relationships "One Block at a Time”.